More Small Updates

Hi hello, I have some small updates to share. I've been mostly working quietly on the site when I have the time and energy to do so.

  • The character directory has a new layout, I did remove the filtering feature but I plan on splitting off groups of characters into separate pages instead.
  • I made some changes to my gallery; the main page now displays smaller thumbnail images instead of the full-resolution art so it should load much quicker now. I've also started writing image descriptions for my art, I'm quite new to it and I will be honest I kind of suck at writing descriptions in general so please bear with me while I work on getting better at it.
  • There's also a comment section now for blog posts and art pieces :) you can say hi if you'd like. I promise I don't bite.
  • I added a now page in case you were ever curious about what I'm doing.

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