
Please pardon our dust; this directory is a work in progress. and yes I know it looks shitty on mobile right now.

NAME: Ens Aystle
SPECIES: Shimmera
ID: Non-binary
ZODIAC: Cancer
FORM: Aegagropila linnaei
WHERE: Ehro'pa [09.a]
FOOD: Spicy tuna roll
Ens is a quiet but rather eccentric Shimmera. In this life they are a 'researcher' of metaphysical biology, specializing in newly emerging aquatic lifeforms in Vossilor in the 4th era. In their past lives they fought for an unlikely better future, one which they now reside in.
NAME: Aedo Ban-mot
SPECIES: Shimmera
ID: Agender
ZODIAC: Cancer
FORM: Noctiluca scintillans
WHERE: Ehro'pa [09.a]
FOOD: n/a (deceased)
Imaiga warrior witch. A living Shimmera without a physical body.
NAME: Epsilon
SPECIES: Shapeshifter
ID: Non-binary
FORM: Computer Angel
WHERE: Ehro'pa [09.a]
FOOD: Coffee cake
"A shapeshifter believed to be an angel cast out from heaven". In actuality, Phercy just showed up one day and decided he would be everybody else's problem for a change.
NAME: Tecca
SPECIES: Shimmera
ID: Non-binary
ZODIAC: Gemini
FORM: Sphagnum flexuosum
WHERE: Southern Lithica
FOOD: Chicken tikka masala