
Hiii, sorry I’ve been so absent here. I really haven't had anything to talk about here since irl has been a lot lately. I kind just started to quietly updating my site and working on some projects but I figured I should drop an update and talk about what I've been working on!

Changelog (from memory)

  • Removed some unnecessary Javascript from the site, which was just the dropdown menus for the site's navigation menu actually. There's some more Javascript I want to see if I can remove but this site is completely functional without it as is.
  • The site's home page got updated! I mainly just wanted to add a 'Recent art' section but I ended up cleaning it up a bit in general as well.
  • The Gallery received a bunch of small updates but the most visible one is that I changed the layout for the individual pieces so it's more lightweight and focuses more on the art itself.
  • Added a new Contact & Links page. I'm very reclusive but there's a few spots I can be reliably found at (aside from my site of course).
  • Various other small updates I forgot about...

Right now I'm working on a big art piece, but lately I've been managing to make some smaller art pieces while I'm working on the big one. In general I'm trying to make more art but as always I make no promises. I do want to write more blog posts though! I miss writing blog posts especially personal ones so I'll be making more of an effort to update this blog moving forward.

That's all I have for now, I hope to see y'all again soon with more stuff to share :)

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